Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Big Miracles

We were told that with this disease somethings might go and come then go again.  Well really since November Reed's walking has really been the only thing that has been affected so far. In January we started to actually see it start to worse a little and then by the time we went to Iowa City at the end of February he was really only able to take 2 to 3 steps without falling. Then by the time we left Iowa City a few days later he was only crawling, I believe stress induced.  Ever since then Reed has only been a crawler, he would walk some with the help of holding two hands but not for very far before he wanted to be picked up.  We have strong prayer warrior working hard on Reed's behalf and about a week ago we started to slowly see some improvements with Reeds walking.  Over a couple of days we would see him just randomly stand with no help, then a few steps were taken, then some more steps.  I posted on facebook that it is the little miracles that make the big miracles seem possible followed by this video:

It's the little miracles that make the big ones seem possible. Just a week ago he wouldn't have even tried to stand like this on his own!!
Posted by Team Reed on Sunday, April 12, 2015

A few days later we watched Reed achieve a big miracle in our eyes, prayers are working; God is listen and He is working in Reed's life.

Please take 30 seconds to watch this video, this is what the POWER of your prayer is doing!! This disease has highs and lows we were told that things may come and go and then come again but this is just amazing. Reed hasn't taken this many steps since January on his own. Your prayers are working God is listening, and He is working in Reed's life!!
Posted by Team Reed on Monday, April 13, 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Therapy has been going really good, like I wrote a few days ago.  Reed has been really thriving when I can sneak out of the room and he is just with the therapist, both in PT and speech.  We will be getting fitted for some short ankle braces next week and I am really hoping that might give him the confidence to walk a little on his own.  He is so close lately, only holding on to one hand and barley at that.  We also talked about getting sized for a walker and ordering one I think it will be something needs to start getting used to and will hopefully help with getting around outside, and not having to crawl everywhere.  Here are some pictures from this weeks therapy.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Reed Two Year Pictures

Let me tell you about my amazing friend Tessa and the wonderful photographer that she is.  She has taken some many pictures for us, engagement pictures, gender reveal pictures, Reed's newborn pictures, Reed's first year pictures, and now Reed's two year pictures.  She is so loving and caring, she is so patient with Reed and will stop the shoot to play with him to make him more comfortable. Her creativity is amazing and always has new ideas for us.  Here are some of the pictures she took of Reed the other day, we have a few more shots coming up with her and I am so very excited for them. Please check out her site as well Sackett Photography.

Here is what Tessa had to say when she posted these photos, brought tears to my eye:

You see the smiles and think "oh cute"...but what you don't see in this picture is a mother who lays awake at night pleading with God for a miracle for her one and only baby boy... A mother who braves her circumstances with courage and hope....A mother who just wants her little boy to LIVE...pleading for MORE time....MORE LIFE.....more dreams and prayers answered for her little boy...And a mother of FAITH who believes God can do ANYTHING! You may notice Reed's incredibly contagious smile or maybe you notice those sparkling blue eyes that could give anyone a major heart melt. But what you don't see is a little boy who's fighting Leukodystrophy, a rare disease that very few kids in the U.S. are diagnosed with. A disease that comes with a lot of scary unknowns. The "seen & unseen" are funny things. It's easy to see or not see things when we want to. Sometimes in life all you can choose to see is HOPE. Through many trials of history, God has placed in us a HOPE that is so profound that you can't always explain it and definitely not always "see" it, but it's there. It IS there.
To read more about Reed please visit his bloghttp://www.teamreedcrosby.blogspot.com
Please pray and keep praying for sweet Reed and his family. If in your heart you desire to help even in the tiniest way you can go to:http://www.gofundme.com/osm9qk & help support this amazing family.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Staying A Float-the rest of the month

I'm sitting at therapy, Dora is on and I'm the only one in the waiting room. Reed has started to really excel in therapy and does even better when I can sneak out of the room, he focuses better then. Today was our first day at 7:15 in the morning and it was a little hard to get going this morning but hopefully this time will work and we can have some consistency to our schedule. I pray it isn't to overwhelming to Reed because right after therapy we go straight into speech until 8:30.
I have been trying to catch up with the #stayafloat2015 verses, here are several days worth, these are all really good and speak right to my heart right now.